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  1. come in a myriad of styles and colors (usually designated by a number (#).

  2. can be used + worn multiple times.

  3. available in self-adhesive.

Choose one that is right for you +your style +mood +occasion.

General Directions to Apply Lashes:

  1. Check Fit. Place Lash along natural lash line to check fit and length. Trim Excess if needed. (Now, If you want, cut the lash in two pieces for additional ease in application)

  2. Apply Adhesive (if lashes aren’t self-adhesive) Another good tip offered by Gayle, apply adhesive to the back of your hand first, then lightly drag the edge of the lash through the glue. This way you don’t get a lot of excess glue.

  3. Apply Lashes to eyelid (as close to natural lash line/roots as possible); press in place (this is where I found a Q-Tip to be most handy)

Care & Cleaning: Keep lashes stored in their case when not in use. Clean lashes occasionally with a brush (make up brushes work great); use tweezers to remove adhesive Restore or refresh the curl by rolling it in wax paper around a pencil and secure with a rubber band.

Why blog? why a Lifestyle blog? because it works for me. it’s a good fit. i’m creative with many varied interest and activities. i’ve always felt “trapped”, boxed-in, with previous blogs I started, and there have been many. sadly, they all eventually died a slow painful neglectful death. i found that whatever project, hobby or activity was occupying my mind and time was what i like to blog about so when i moved onto to something else, as I “always” do; the blog died. i didn’t want to write about it anymore and my current work or interest didn’t seem to fit blog’s theme or focus very well. i even tried keeping multiple blogs so that i could have one for each area of interest but that was too overwhelming and impossible to keep current. so i dropped out of the blogs-a-spere altogether for a while. actually i kinda left cyberspace altogether, except for work related activity. i was busying trying to keep my real-life going. although i wasn’t actively on the web i was always thinking about it, it’s the “geek” in me, can’t help it. during my cyberspace hiatus i discovered some things that eventually brought me back, with more clarity of purpose. i came to understand the importance of branding. and once i figured out who i was and want to be, in order to articulate that uniqueness to ; distinction separates and differentiates me from others.

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