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just what the heck is a foodie? foodies are amateur hobbyists (wanna be chefs + critics) that love food + want to learn everything they can about the science + consumption + preparation, of both the best + the ordinary in the industry + superstar food personalities guess that makes me a foodie + it’s partly their fault:

The Chew – ABC TV show with five fabulous host + cooks + guest + great format + variety + the chemistry + each hosts’ personality is simply outstanding. I want to hang out with them. This is my “new fav” show.

The Splendid Table – NPR, Sunday radio program hosted by Lynne Rossetto Kasper, acclaimed food writer + cooking teacher. She gives great tips + reviews + recipes.

Rachel Ray – CBS TV show host + cook + lifestyle guru + adorably beautiful

Cooking brings me joy + comfort + creativity yep, am a foodie + proud of it + I got pictures to prove it

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